The town of Foremost Alberta was thrilled to have HOJA come out and put on a great show for their volunteer night. Organizer Corinna Roth-Beacome, said that HOJA was “fantastic” and “awesome”.
The town of Jasper was thrilled to bring out Acappella group HOJA to their volunteer appreciation night. The vocal effects and energetic personalites were very much appreciated by the folks in attendance, and organizer Yvonne McNabb said everyone loved the...
The Berwyn Alberta FCSS brought Acappella group HOJA out to perform for all the volunteers at the appreciation/awards night. Organizer, Robyn Ouellette, thought the folks in attendance deserved a fun, relaxing night, and HOJA did not disappoint.
Acappella group HOJA made a big impact on the folks in attendance at the Father/Daughter Gala in Prince Albert. The fundraiser was for the Prince Albert Raiders hockey team, and no one left disappointed. The audience was on their feet for an encore by the end of the...
HOJA was asked to sing for the Crowsnest Pass Community volunteer appreciation event. The audience all agreed it was a wonderful evening, HOJA had a fantastic time, and organizer Kim Lewis had nothing but positive things to say about the success of the evening.