Past Performances
Click on any show listing to see more details about the event including client comments.
Aug 1-5/18, The Regina Exhibition, Regina – Indigo Circus
Indigo Circus enjoyed spending 5 days, from August 1-5, entertaining fair goers at the Regina Exhibition.
Aug 1-4/18 Western Nova Scotia Exhibition, Yarmouth – Indigo Circus
Frank Anderson, organizer of this event that Indigo Circus participated at from Aug. 1-4, said: " Performances went very well. Audiences were really blown away by the range of performance styles & different elements. It’s something new that we haven’t tried and it...
Jul 26/18 Last Chance Stampede, Helena MT – Jay Dee
Jay Dee enjoyed making a trip down to Montana to entertain the folks at the stampede for a three-day period, beginning July 26th.
Jul 28/18 Town of Magrath & FCSS “Magrath Days”, Magrath – Indigo Circus
Executive Director, Ryan O'Neill, said the performers were engaging, talented, and memorable.
Jul 26/18 Vermilion Agricultural Society “Fair”, Vermilion – Mac & Hawes
Organizer, Jim Letawsky, said Mac & Hawes was a great experience from start to finish. They had a really really positive reaction from crowd.
Jul 26/18 Lacombe & District FCSS “Lunchbox Theatre”, Lacombe – Indigo Circus
Co-ordinator, Susan MacDonald, said the show was great. People liked the variety, and it was active & engaging.
Jul 22/18 Melfort Ag Society “Ag Fair”, Melfort – Indigo Circus
Organizer, Morgan Leigh, said: “Indigo Circus did an excellent job. I received nothing but wonderful feedback from our guests and staff. People really enjoyed the fire, and we heard a lot about the performer inside the balloon. Parents were thrilled at how engaging...
Jul 20/18 City of Cold Lake Street Festival, Cold Lake – Indigo Circus
Indigo Circus enjoyed being a part of the festivities at this summer street fair for people of all ages.
Jul 19/18 Kidzfest, Prince Albert – Indigo Circus
Organizers said the artists with Indigo Circus were all super nice and worked really well with the kids. They appreciated the level to which they interacted with everyone. One of the highlights from the day was when repeatedly kids came up to them to demonstrate how...
Jul 12/18 Summerside Lobster Carnival, Summerside PEI -Indigo Circus
Organizer, Marlene Campbell said people really enjoyed Indigo Circus and it was great how engaging & personable they are. She said people responded well to the fire performing and to the sword swallowing, and she couldn’t think of any improvements.
Jul 6/18 Minnedosa Fun Fest, Minnedosa – Velvet Hand
Organizer, Krista Powell, said Velvet Hand was great and the crowd loved them.
Jul 1/18 Canada Day, Beaumont – Indigo Circus
Indigo Circus enjoyed helping the Town of Beaumont celebrate Canada Day festivities.