Past Performances
Click on any show listing to see more details about the event including client comments.
Aug 22/17 AB Health Services – AB Children’s Hospital, Calgary – HOJA
HOJA enjoyed entertaining the children at the hospital, along with their parents, staff, and support volunteers.
Aug 19/17 Cochrane Ag Society Fair, Cochrane – SaFire
Organizer, Isabel Gimber said SaFire was wonderful. She was good at reading the crowd and the hooping workshop had people engrossed.
Aug 12/17 Barrhead Exhibition Society & Ag Society Fair, Barrhead – Jay Dee
Jay Dee enjoyed entertaining the crowd at the Barrhead fair - with the help of participants!
Aug 10/17 Camp Sunflower, Calgary – HOJA
Organizer, Lois Petersen, said everyone loved it. -”HOJA did amazing” and she'd like to book them again for next year.
Aug 22/17 Lethbridge & District Exhibition “Whoop Up Days”, Lethbridge – Sideshow Carnival
Organizer, Jackie French, said she had heard positive comments on both the stage shows and the street performances.
Jul 17/17 Start to Northern Lights Library System Tour, Alberta – Sideshow Carnival
Kayla Lorenzen, who organized July & August Library Performances at approximately 39 libraries in the Northern Lights Library System, said the tour had been AMAZING! and that she'd only had great responses from libraries.
Aug 12/17 Winfield Ag Society Fair, Winfield – SaFire
Co-ordinator, Joyce Brown, said when she was out & about following the fair, she’d been stopped several places all over town to discuss the event. SaFire was a big hit.
Aug 10/17 Vegreville Country Fair, Vegreville – Velvet Hand
Alan Baxandal, who was the contact for this 3-day event, said the guys were awesome to deal with and that people were having a good time. There was a good song selection, lots of dancing, and a killer guitar solo that had everyone hooting and hollering.
Aug 19/17 East Smoky Recreation Board Community Event – DeBolt – Sideshow Carnival
Joanna Persson with the Rec Board said, "Indigo Circus completely met my expectations. The performers were friendly, polite, and easy to work with. The kids following the the Robot Dancer and dancing with him were hilarious”.
Aug 16/17 Battlefords Agricultural Society “Northwest Territorial Days”, North Battleford – Steve Harmer
Organizer, Jocelyn Ritchie said Steve was great - as expected from past experiences having him at their events. He is great to work with and the shows were really fantastic.
Aug 12/17 Barrhead Ag Society Fair, Barrhead – HOJA
Co-ordinator, Brenda Visser, said HOJA was very well received. Everyone loved it!
Aug 5/17 Bonanza Days, Milk River – Velvet Hand
Kelsey Oschner, one of the organizers for this event from the Milk River & District Ag Society, said she had heard positive comments on the band & everyone had a great time.